The Immunomodulation Lab
Our group investigates the interplay between immune cells and various disease including cancer and inflammation in vivo. Our aim is to understand the mechanism that control immunity and to identify novel targets for cancer immunotherapy.
We focussing on (1) CAR t-cells and (2) neutrophile extracellular traps (NETs).
Pediatric Tumors are particularly immunogenic. We develop and implement cutting-edge CAR t-cell technologies to control or eliminate cancer and to modulate the immune system. In our lab we combine and into novel therapeutic strategies which will ultimately benefit children suffering from cancer or immune disease.
NETs confer protection against infections, but also drive inflammation and immunopathology.
The Team

Michael Boettcher
Lab Director
Innate Immunity and CAR t-cells: NETs, Immunomodulation, Visulalisation, personalized Immunotherapy

Julia Elrod
Senior Researcher
Innate Immunity: NETs, transplantation, burns, wound healing, microcirculation

Jasmin Knopf
PostDoc/Head of Research Lab
Innate Immunity: NETs, adhesion formation, NEC, CDH, ECMO

Tina Trautmann
Pediatric solid tumors: CAR t-cells, immunity, microbioma

Martin Herrmann
Senior Advisor
Professor Martin Herrmann is Head of the Immunology Lab at Erlangen University.
Innate Immunity: neutrophils, neutrophil extracellular traps

Patrick Schlegel
Senior Advisor
Professor Patrick Schlegel is Head of Cellular Cancer Therapeutics at the Children's Hospital Westmead, University Sydney
Pediatric solid tumors: next generation CAR-T design